Shane Aspegren in collaboration with Tap Chan and Mak Ying-tung 2
Shane Aspegren 與陳沁昕 、麥影彤二
A guided journey between realities

IMAGINAL PATHWAYS is a guided, interactive experience that takes the form of a self-reflective, query-filled maze. By navigating a series of prompts (through language, video, soundscape, algorithm, and other cues) each participant explores questions that examine the personal responses and desires that arise within their journey—virtually, physically, mentally, and otherwise.



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Artist Statement 藝術家自述

Shane Aspegren

The thing in your hand is binary in its construction but the pathway is fluid; a stream of references rather than an answer. Like a tarot deck or any other ritual device, it is primarily used to provoke inner sensations of perceived choice, fear, longing, lust, narcissism, illusion, schadenfreude, submission, and the whole spectrum of brainwave states and animal impulses. Kindly submit to the user preferences and consider each step closely.



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Shane Aspegren

Shane Aspegren's work juxtaposes improvisational languages within carefully-crafted frameworks, frequently exploring a cross-discipline and non-dualistic perspective on such topics as consciousness, ritual, group dynamics, societal customs, and human response to natural phenomena. He is largely known for his practices related to music and sound, which often play an integral part in his installations, images, videos, objects, and performances. Interested in the relational aesthetics of every form, he often uses interactive and collaborative methods of creation, as well as the practical application of those methods, such as his ongoing work with meditative practices—specifically the effects of sound waves and its effects on the human mind and physical matter of the body. As a musician/composer, he has performed hundreds of concerts worldwide, in addition to an extensive recorded discography. His artworks have been presented, commissioned, collected, and performed at institutions, museums, and galleries throughout Asia, Europe and North America.

Shane Aspegren 的創作強調在精心設計的框架內,保持即興性的運作。他持續探索跨域及非二元性的議題,包括有關意識、儀式、群體動力、社會習俗、人類對自然現象的回應等等。他為人熟悉的創作形式以音樂及聲景作為核心,扣連到裝置、圖像、影像、物件及演出。尤其熱衷於探索不同形態的「關係美學」,經常以互動及協作方式創作,同時運用冥想練習(它對聲波、人類心靈及身體感應的影響)於其中。作為樂手及作曲家,他曾於世界巡演合共過百場,亦發行錄製唱片。他的作品獲委約、收藏、展/演出於亞洲、歐洲及北美不同機構、美術館及畫廊。


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Tap Chan 陳沁昕

Tap Chan was born in Hong Kong, and currently lives and works in Hong Kong. She obtained a B.A. in Fine Art from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in 2011 and an M.A. in Visual Arts from the Hong Kong Baptist University in 2014. Her works mostly appear in the form of installations, videos and sculptures. She is interested in exploring the idea of liminality that is embedded in daily life, where the boundaries between fiction and reality are often blurred, like the undefined psychic and emotional ruptures experienced during bouts of insomnia. To construct a narrative of the subterranean mind that rumbles beneath the facade of modern existence.



Mak Ying-tung 2 麥影彤二

Mak Ying-tung 2 was born in Hong Kong in 1989. She graduated from City University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor's degree in Critical Intermedia Art in 2013. Mak 2 currently lives and works in Hong Kong. Mak 2 is a conceptual artist and her work is not defined by any medium. Her recent works contemplate contemporary issues through the study of Humanities. The aesthetic experience she crafts is bound by the dualism of humor and intense, often dark inquisitiveness. For instance, through incorporating QR codes within a playground-like setting, her artwork You Better Watch Out (2017) illustrates the wide spread surveillance implications of an open internet. She does not prompt audiences to merely laugh, but also to explore spaces and direct the viewer's attention to the forces that lie underneath the surface of their surroundings.

麥影彤二於1989年香港出生,並於2013年取得香港城市大學的 Critical Intermedia Art 學士畢業。她現於香港定居及工作。麥影彤二是一位以多媒介來進行創作的概念藝術家。她近期的作品多以人文科學的視野思考當代議題。她的作品往往呈現出幽默的表達方式與出其不意的手法,例如,她在作品《你最好注意》(2017) 裡,在一個充氣水晶球裡加入電子二維碼來暗喻互聯網上無處不在的監察。她的作品不僅充滿了玩味的元素,還通過探索空間引導觀眾思考隱藏在我們周圍事物表面之下的力量。


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Creative / Production Team 創作/製作團隊

Lead Artist 主創
Shane Aspegren

Collaborating Artists 共同創作
Tap Chan 陳沁昕
Mak Ying-tung 2 麥影彤二

App Production Team 程式製作
Ken Chan 陳嘉俊
Winky Lam 林頴琪
Kenny Luk 陸建毅
Alice Tsang 曾曉童
Zinan Zhang 張子南

Graphic Design 平面設計
Mildred Cheng 鄭凱甄

English Narrator 英語旁白
Andrew Chworowsky

Cantonese Narrator 廣東話旁白
Lau Hiu-wa 劉曉樺

The Lover 愛人
Jordan Leung 梁穎聰

Production Assistant & Additional Video Editing 製作助理及額外影像剪輯
Natasha Cheung 張穎曦

Additional Animation 額外動畫
Erkka Nissinen

Additional Sound Mixing 額外混音
Damian Boylan

Curated and organised by 策劃及籌辦

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此項目由香港藝術發展局「Arts Go Digital藝術數碼平台計劃」支持
This project is supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council "Arts Go Digital Platform Scheme"

#藝術D平台 #ArtsGoDigital (optional) #出奇D_Amazed