Parallel Audiosphere 平行音域
on different approaches to music & sound creation
音樂 / 聲音 創作的不同方向 Multi-media Lecture Series

Different approaches for different kinds of sound
From their own spheres of creation,
to sound, music and art that influence them
Guiding you to a new horizon of listening experience and perspective

Host: Yuen Chi-chung 袁智聰

Sphere 1
In Sync – Exploration on audio visual collaboration
聲影共同體 – 實驗聲與畫之間
S.T. (Choi Sa-ho 蔡世豪)
25.07 (Sat) (In Cantonese)

When every music performance using video projection as their backdrop nowadays, what possibilities between audio and visual could be further explored? To trace back from the beginning of the audio-visual collaboration, MV and the first concert applying slide-projection, to the popularity of VJing, and the multi-media audio-visual live performance, the lecture will discuss about the evolvement of audio and visual in integration and collaboration. S.T. will talk about how he got inspired and introduces his beloved audio-visual works.


Sphere 2
Sonic Alchemy -
Releasing unusual sounds from usual objects
聲之錬金術 – 釋放平凡物件的不凡聲音
Sin:Ned (Wong Chung-fai 黃仲輝)
26.07 (Sun) (In Cantonese)

It brings no surprise in hearing sounds from a cell phone, a Gameboy or a radio. However, can you imagine the sound comes from a remote control or an Apple mouse? By hacking on various electronic gears, Sin:Ned revealed new sounds for his music composition. Through re-purposing various daily objects, he will further discuss about the experiments of other artists in using conventional musical instruments and equipment for alternative music performance.


Sphere 3
More than Music, Not Just Theatre
Finding new possibilities in connection between music and theatre
不只音樂,非但劇場 – 找尋音樂與劇場的不同接合點
Kung Chi-shing 龔志成
01.08 (Sat) (In Cantonese)

Apart from classical operas and Broadway musicals, music has been integrated with theatre in various formats for decades. In the last 30 years, music theatre has emerged as one of the major genres in avant-garde performing arts, with its capacity to integrate music with diverse elements such as dance, poetry and text, video and installation, etc.  By introducing major music theatre works of pioneering artists such as Robert Wilson and Laurie Anderson, Kung will analyze the development of avant-garde music theatre, with his own practice and approach in bridging between different kinds of music with theatre performances.


Sphere 4
Sonic Fascination -
Expanding the canvas for music composition
玩聲工程 – 以有限音響技術實驗無限聲效可能
Yuen Cheuk-wa 袁卓華
02.08 (Sun) (In Cantonese)

Music and recording technology has driven a lot of changes in pop and contemporary music. Unconventional approaches or inventive ways of using the technicality of sound technology have achieved some sonic excitement that influences the history of music evolution.


Sphere 5
Ways of Listening -
Environmental sound and our relation to the sonic world
不一樣聆聽 – 從田野錄音探索環境以至不同聲域經驗
Cedric Maridet
09.08 (Sun) (In English)

From city to nature, we are in a world of no silence. There is always sound that left unnoticed. Field recording can be a means to change our way of listening to the environmental sound, our experience and perception to the world, and even brings exciting discovery to our most familiar surrounding. Cedric Maridet will introduce his practice of field recording as a way to direct his listening and further discuss about how sonic experience can open up the possibility for art making. He will refer to audio examples from different genres of sound art, oral traditions, etc, as well as his own works.

Presented by 主辦
Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署

25-26.7.2009 (Sat-Sun) 3:30pm

Exhibition Gallery,
Hong Kong Cultural Centre

1, 2 & 9.8.2009 (Sat-Sun) 3:30pm

Gallery, HKICC
Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity


more tags:
sound art, digital music, custom-made instrument, circuit bending, field recording, music theatre, sound engineering

